WMH Robotics hosts regular Universal Robots Core Training courses at our facility in Tamworth - near Birmingham!
Our training courses are taken with intimate class sizes of up to 4 people and are led by a UR-approved trainer to ensure you maximise your learning potential. Walk away from the two-day core training course with the skills to master your robot & application.
Your training journey starts here. By following these easy steps you will be mastering both the robot and application in no time:
Step One - Online Training
The free online e-series core training takes around 2 hours and is required to undergo the core training at WMH. It covers all the basics from starting up the robot to making basic programs.
Sign up and get learning here:
Step Two - UR Academy at WMH Robotics
After the 2-day course, you will have hands-on experience with a UR robot. You will have programmed the robot several times to perform common tasks, including the operation of common peripherals (conveyors, sensors, grippers). You will be able to optimise a pick-and-place flow, perform palletisation, understand safety concepts, and know the additional resources available to them both online and through other training courses. You will be ready to return to your own robot and create pick-and-place, palletisation, and other common application programs on your own.
Please note that you must have completed the Online Core Training to be able to sign up for the In-class Core Training.
Core Training Information
The core training at WMH Robotics includes 11 modules over a two-day course:
- Pick & Place
- Safety Settings
- Optimising Pick & Place
- Easy Start-up
- Program Flow
- Palletising
- Force Control (simple)
- Process Application with Operator Selection
- Flexible Deployment
- Implementation Planning
- Online Resources
- Courses are priced at £1,000 per person for the two-day course.
- Courses run from 9 am - 5 pm
- Lunch will be provided - please advise any dietary requirements prior
- The WMH Robotics Showroom & application lab will be open to explore
- Located in Tamworth - B77 5PN
Take a Look at our UR Academy:
Meet Your Trainer - Alex Smith
Alex Smith has a background in robot programming and implementation with both Cobots and Industrial robots. Working previously for both Robot manufacturers and end-users he can relate to both sides. By understanding the training participants' requirements, Alex likes to tailor each course to these particular needs, often linking the skills taught to their individual applications.
Alex Can be contacted directly on: alex.smith@wmh-robotics.co.uk